🕰️ The Origins of Ojo Slots (2010-2015)

  • 📅 Launch of Ojo Slots

    Year Event
    2016 The official launch of Ojo Slots takes place, marking the beginning of an innovative online gaming experience.
  • 💡 Introduction of Unique Features

    Year Event
    2017 Ojo Slots introduces features such as no wagering requirements, setting a new standard in the industry.

📈 Growth and Recognition (2016-2020)

  • 🏆 Industry Awards

    Year Event
    2018 Ojo Slots wins its first award for Best Newcomer at the Online Game Awards.
  • 🌍 Expanding the Market

    Year Event
    2019 Ojo Slots begins to expand its offerings into new markets, gaining popularity in Europe.

🚀 Innovation and Community Focus (2021-Present)

  • 🤝 Strengthening Community Engagement

    Year Event
    2021 Ojo Slots launches community-based events, increasing player interaction and loyalty.
  • 🔒 Enhanced Security Features

    Year Event
    2022 Implementation of advanced security protocols for player safety and transparency in gaming.
Projects Map