
Siqala Ngamanzi

Simple Technologies – Sustainable Long-term benefits

Dabane is a lead Non-Governmental Organization dedicated to establishing water and food secure communities within arid and semi-arid areas. The organisation was established in 1991 and registered as a PVO, registration number 25/ 2013. It works with vulnerable communal farmers in arid and semi-arid areas in the Southern Africa region, but more specifically in the south-western regions of Zimbabwe to alleviate poverty and hunger through appropriate and sustainable land use and water management systems. Dabane focuses on programmes and activities at the community and household levels where gender relations and HIV and AIDS issues are entrenched.

Dabane believes in development that ensures water security as a starting point for every household. Its work is however not just limited to water point construction. The organization also trains project participants on the importance of sanitation and hygiene, integrated water resources management, resilient livelihood activities as well as women empowerment since resilience and sustainable livelihoods are at the mercy of these elements. Dabane’s Motto is ‘Siqala Ngamanzi,’ a Ndebele catch phrase originating from within the Dabane team and it literally translates to ‘We start with water’, meaning that for any meaningful development availability of water is critical.

Who We Are

Organisational history, values and more.

Where We Work

Areas of operation and our partners.

Our Mission

Our Mission, Values & Scope

Projects Map